Donate to the Simmons Memorial Foundation

99 Sponsors
40,096 USD donated

The Simmons Memorial Foundation welcomes support from friends, volunteers, alumni, corporations and other organizations to help us achieve our mission of “Developing Potential on the Periphery.” Join the SMF family by making a contribution today. All donations, large or small, are greatly appreciated.

You may provide your contribution via Paypal (using the links above) or mail your contribution. Please download our donor form and send it with your payment through regular mail. For mailed payment, we accept money orders or checks (payable to “Simmons Memorial Foundation”).

Simmons Memorial Foundation, Inc.
1834 Wake Forest Road, Campus Box 7321
Winston-Salem, NC 27109

The Simmons Memorial Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which provides educational support programs to children from vulnerable groups. All contributions are tax-deductible. We thank you for your support!


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